Tables turned on the Easter Bunny

April 24th, 2011 by dad

Dorje turned the tables on the Easter Bunny this year. He made a number of small boxes out of paper and hid these for the Easter Bunny to place the chocolates in.

This meant the Easter Bunny spent the night trying to find the boxes, including one he knew was in Dorje’s room, all without waking him up.

Even though the Easter Bunny’s attempt at hollow eggs were a flop, the hearts turned out well, and he even found enough foil to wrap them all:

As always, the most stressful part will be making sure all the chocolates are found, although if I find a chocolate or three in a week or so, I’ll enjoy the chance to eat it, all by myself.

I’m sure all the Easter Bunny’s offerings will be demolished before I even wake up…

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