June 6th, 2009 by MUM
Dorje tells me yesterday his name is THE MOST beautiful name EVA. But, a more beautiful name, which he has since adopted, is RAINBOW GLITTER
So now he is more affectionately referred to as RAINBOW GLITTER (:lol:)
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June 5th, 2009 by MUM
The BEST BEST thing about being a mum, is that kids remind us what really is important if we listen closely.
This morning we spent WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to long under the duvet covers having warm cuddly snuggles “being MOLES”. I LOVE LOVE LOVE giggles and cuddles, it feels like a fabulous day already (:biggrin:)
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June 1st, 2009 by dad
In the midst of all the killing baddies that seems to be the main activity Dorje and I get up to these days, it’s great to realise Ben-10 and Kung-Fu panda haven’t corrupted him for life, and to hear Dorje say I’m so full of love I love everybody, even baddies..
Since I’m in need of his wisdom, it had quite an effect on me.
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June 1st, 2009 by dad
Dorje, as with most five-year olds, is great at creating his own reality. A game could go something like this.
Dorje: “OK, you’re the baddie trying to catch me” (passing me a figurine, while holding one himself)
My figurine leaps forward onto his.
Dorje: “No, you can’t fly. You have to walk”
My figurine walks and catches his
Dorje: “No, there’s a shield here. You can’t get through”
My figurine goes round the shield and catches his
Dorje: “No, if you come this way I put on my Ben 10 watch and turn into 4-arms and knock you out the way”
My figurine goes around the shield the other way
Dorje: “No, if you come this way I put on my Ben 10 watch and turn into ghost freak and become invisible. You can’t see me”
Dorje’s figurine, invisible, leaps onto mine.
Me: “No, I have a shield this way”
Dorje: “No, you don’t have a shield”
Simple really. If something doesn’t suit, you just create a new version of reality.
Here’s another example. When drinking a smoothie, the smoothie was actually poison. At least it was poison for people, and fine for monsters to drink. So Dorje the monster, starts drinking. We’re doing something else and he’s not a monster – he’s a man. He should be dying. No, he’s a monster wearing a man mask. Shortly after he starts growling wanting to eat me. Now he’s a monster wearing a man mask. Wearing a monster mask.
It gets difficult to follow sometimes. But hopefully he’ll retain the ability to shape his own reality so effectively as he gets older.
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May 25th, 2009 by dad
Summer seems a long way off now, but it wasn’t that long ago (March) that Dorje and his friend Luca came with for a weekend away with a few friends.
Unlike the previous time, we got there in the 3 or 4 hours expected.
As could be expected, on such a hot weekend, water provided most of the entertainment. For the adults, it was the burst pipe to the toilets. For the children, the hosepipe.


Dorje and Luca weren’t the only two interested. Millwall (the dog, named after the unsuccessful British football team of which the owner is a long-suffering fan) also got into the action.

Griffin looked on enviously, but since he already goes through 30 nappies a day, he was kept well-away from the hosepipe.

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May 24th, 2009 by MUM
Oma and Dorje were wandering on Sybilla’s farm in Napier collecting nails and screws lying randomly on the ground after building construction. Oma asked Dorje to put the bits and bobs in her pocket which he (for whatever reason) chose not to do
OMA “Why don’t you want to do it?”
DORJE “Because!”
OMA “Because is not an answer.”
DORJE “Why is not a question” (:lol:)
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May 21st, 2009 by MUM
Today Dorje pushed 2 kids off the jungle gym at aftercare. So I asked him why? So, he tells me he was thinking how to make a hole in the ground, so then the idea came to him
I AM floored … I told him you can’t use humans to make holes in the ground (:rolleyes:)
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May 19th, 2009 by MUM
I was putting my PJ’s on last night and Dorje said to me “MUM you have big boobs … they are hanging down hey … I won’t say they are FAT, because I love you and its not nice to say FAT hey mum” (:lol:)
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April 9th, 2009 by dad
Dorje came to stay with me this weekend, and brought quite a serious gum infection along. Fortunately, I got a pamphlet in the post from Dr Moi.

Dr Moi is a spiritual healer (from Kenya), and for only a R30 consultation fee, will advise on various medical problems. As a man of many talents, he’ll also consult on settling your debts, ghosts and demons in your house, bad luck, enemies, court cases, and so on.
In fact, Dr Moi was kind enough to deliver about 60 pamphlets to my postbox. They came in very handy, and Dorje was soon having a great time.

I’m still picking up plane wrecks from the garden.
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April 6th, 2009 by dad
Dorje was asking this weekend how long nought minutes was. He asked, “Is it….” and rolled his eyes back as if thinking. I waited for him to find the word and finish the question. He kept waiting, holding the same pose. The pause was going on way too long, and he seemed strangely stuck, so I was about to help him out when suddenly he leapt up and said “This long!”
And strictly speaking, yes, that was exactly nought minutes.
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