January 21st, 2010 by MUM
(:lol:) Dorje was UP this morning at 5H30. We were ready for school at 7H00 including a game of Monopoly.
He was quite bummed with me that I was not going to take him to school at 7H00 – he wanted to be FIRST! He didn’t seem impressed that he had to wait for his lift club at 7H30 (:lol:)
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January 20th, 2010 by MUM
Dorje and I are driving in the car last night. The dialog goes as follows …
MUM “Its not ok to play with yourself in company, only at home in your room. Remember we spoke about this before”
[So, he gives me the “look”.]
DORJE “Ja but MUM you go naked often?!”
MUM “Yes but I am naked at home!”
[there is a PAUSE and lots of thinking going on]
DORJE “MUM this is MY world … and you can’t make rules in MY WORLD, so I SAY it is ok to play with yourself in company” (:lol:)
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January 19th, 2010 by MUM
Dorje and I went for a short walk and we were discussing that he is up to my chest level.
So, he says to me, “MUM you know why you are so short?”
Erm, “NO, why don’t you tell me?”
“Its because when you get really old MUM, then you get lower and lower and lower and … … wider and wider and wider”
I might add at this point is where he was gesturing (in intervals) how you get lower and lower until just about the ground and winder and wider until his arms were stretched WAY out.
Cheeky monkey (:evil:)
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